Peer Groups

Join the community of your peers to explore how you are feeling, share information and resources, exchange ideas, and give and receive support.

Designated Sharing Time

Designated Sharing Time (DST) is a virtual meeting space to talk, vent, problem-solve, laugh, collaborate, cry, and feel the strength of the community of your peers in the entertainment industry.

Designated Sharing Time meets on Zoom every third Thursday of the month, 1-2 pm (ET.)

Exploring the Juggling Act

Work and life can truly feel like a juggling act in the entertainment industry. Many people experience uncertainty about career transitions, insecurities about doing non-industry work, feelings of guilt or grief after shifting away from the industry, and more. So let’s talk about it! Exploring the Juggling Act is a peer group where people can freely explore and evaluate their relationship with their industry. 

New dates are coming soon.