The AFC is the lifeline for Canada’s entertainment industry

Through compassionate support, we help Canadian entertainment professionals maintain their health, dignity, and ability to work.

Everyday Help

Programs, events, peer groups, and resources to support the people who work in Canada’s performing arts and entertainment.

Financial Wellness

Tools and resources to help build and maintain financial stability.

Mental Health & Wellness

Support to help cope with stress, anxiety, depression, life transitions, and more.

Peer Support

Space to share, learn, provide and receive support from industry peers.

Career Sustainability

Tools and resources to help build a sustainable and fulfilling professional life.

peer supportresource

Designated Sharing Time

Designated Sharing Time (DST) is a virtual meeting space to talk, vent, problem-solve, laugh, collaborate, cry, and feel the strength of others. A global pandemic, loss of work, isolation from others, stress about money and health. This is a difficult time for many. At the same time, it can create opportunities to connect with other people in ways we could not have imagined a year ago. The AFC’s Designated Sharing …

Land Acknowledgement

The AFC is a national charity that serves people working in the entertainment industry from across the northern part of Turtle Island, colonially known as Canada. Our offices are in T’karonto, the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, the Chippewa, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. As a result of being settled here, we are included in the Dish with One Spoon Treaty, which has three guiding principles that teach us how we all can live and thrive together on these lands:

  1. Take only what you need.
  2. Leave some for everybody else.
  3. Keep it clean.

The Dish with One Spoon Treaty is an important reminder of our responsibility to the community. As we serve and support entertainment industry members on Turtle Island, our aim is to ensure that everyone has what they need, including their health, dignity, and ability to work. 


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